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Closing: The Future of Sustainability Research

Photo: Pexels

On Thursday 13 February, the exhibition The Future of Sustainability Research will close with a finissage, panel discussion and mingle.

Tid: To 2025-02-13 kl 16.30 - 19.00

Plats: KTH Library, Osquars backe 31, Stockholm

Språk: English

Medverkande: Johan Brantmark, Fredrik Gröndahl, Erik Stenberg, Annika Jacobson

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The exhibition The Future of Sustainability Research will be showcasing a selection of current doctoral student projects related to sustainability from the School of Architecture and the Built Environment.

The exhibition will be on display from 23 January - 13 February 2025 at KTH Library. There will also be an opening event on 23 January .


16.30 - Panel discussion on emerging topics in the transitions to more sustainable societies

What are emerging topics in the field of sustainability and transitions? What innovations, research and societal developments are shaping the future? What are the challenges, opportunities, trends and possible game-changers that need to be considered in research?

17.45 - Mingle and canapés


Johan Brantmark, Project Director, Region Stockholm

Fredrik Gröndahl, Director, Centre for Blue Food, KTH

Annika Jacobson, Special Coordinator for Climate Action (Klimatgeneral), City of Stockholm

Erik Stenberg, Swedish Country Cluster Leader, ReCreate, KTH


Karin Bradley, Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Environment, KTH