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Online consultation on KTH:s strategy for participation in EU Horizon Europe

Tid: Må 2020-10-19 - Fr 2020-11-20

Plats: https://www.kth.se/form/online-consultation-on-kth-s-strategy-for-participation-in-eu-horizon-europe

Medverkande: https://www.kth.se/form/online-consultation-on-kth-s-strategy-for-participation-in-eu-horizon-europe

Exportera till kalender

Horizon Europe is the forthcoming EU framework programme for research and innovation 2021-2027. KTH is preparing for Horizon Europe and is in the process of formulating its strategy for participation. The objective of this consultation is to gather input to the coming strategy. 

The consultation primary targets researchers at KTH both with and without previous experience of participation in EU projects. The consultation aims to gather information on your motivations as well as barriers to participation in EU R&I programmes and the results will be used in the drafting process of the strategy due to be decided in March 2021.

Please respond to all sections relevant to your experience.
The deadline is Thursday 19 November. 


Thank you for your participation!

Jenny Wanselius
