Here you can find the process for admitting a doctoral student at the ABE school.
Before the admission process to the doctoral programme can begin, a study place must be opened.
The application for admission to doctoral student is submitted to the doctoral studies office. The application need to be complete in order for processing to begin. The application documents are drawn up at the department and reviewed by the
department's third cycle administrator,
who then hands over the complete application to the doctoral studies office.
What must be included in an application differs depending on whether the funding includes a doctoral student employment at KTH, other employment (industrial doctoral student) or a scholarship.
If a study place is financed through a doctoral student employment, an application for admission only needs to contain the form for the application to doctoral education for either a licentiate or doctoral degree. The completed form is submitted to the department's third cycle administrator who then hands it to the school office.
Other documents such as funding plan and the students certificate, etc. is obtained from our administrative support systems by the doctoral studies officer. If something is missing or more supplement is required, the doctoral studies officer will contact the applicant.
If the conditions for the funding of the doctoral student employment have changed since the opening of the study place, then this must be stated and a new funding plan submitted together with the application.
The following documents must be submitted to the third cycle administrator at the department in conjuction with admitting a doctoral student with a doctoral student agreement:
Application for admission either towards a doctoral or licentiate degree (form).
Academics certificate, such as diplomas and results certificates - possibly certificates of knowledge of English - must be attached with an admission application. However, this is not necessary if the education is registered in the study documentation system Ladok.
See the admission requirements for more information, for example about the specific prerequisites regarding English.
(Industrial) doctoral student agreements have already been submitted as documentation when opening a study place. The agreement is signed by the head of school as the same time as the decision of admission.
he following documents must be submitted to the third cycle administrator at the department when admitting a scholarship holder,:
Application for admission (only possible against a doctoral degree).
Academics certificate, such as diplomas and results certificates - possibly certificates of knowledge of English - must be attached with an admission application. However, this is not necessary if the education is registered in the study documentation system Ladok.
See the admission requirements for more information, for example about the specific prerequisites regarding English.
Certificate of scholarship and any additional scholarship and/or financing plan have been submitted in connection with the opening of a study place.
Scholarship as a form of financing is usually only possible during the doctoral student's first year of studies and follows up with an employment the last three years.
Note: For the admission of a scholarship funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC), only the application for admission form needs to be submitted.
Important information
The form for the application for admission can be found in the
ABE School's form archive
under “Forskarutbildning” Note: There are different forms depending on whether the application applies to a licentiate degree or doctoral degree.
Desired admission date must be stated on the application form in the decision section.
If the application is for a licentiate degree, the box "brief motivation for admittance to licentiate studies" need to be left blank. The explanation for motivation can be found in the initiation letter that was submitted in the process for the opening of a study place.