The ABE school's Operational plan for 2023-2025 has been established

The ABE school's Operational plan for 2023-2025 has now been established. The operational plan is well anchored in the organization and prioritizes efforts that contribute to reaching the school's concrete goals. Head of school Björn Berggren talks about the thoughts behind this year's activities and what the next step is.
What are the thoughts behind the new Operational plan?
The purpose of the Operational plan is to link the goals we have at the ABE school to a number of key activities to achieve these goals, where each activity has a person dedicated to it. If I were to choose some goals that are particularly important, so it would be about attracting and developing future leaders within the ABE school and academia in general. Both by recruiting the best and developing the skills of our current employees.
The span of the Operational plan is two years (2023-2025), while the activities that the plan describes only apply to this year. What does that mean?
Next autumn we will start working on the new development plan, which in itself is very exciting. That is why this year, in order to reach our goals, we have chosen to focus on the activities we have previously identified.

How has the Operational plan been developed?
The work on the Operational plan has been ongoing since last autumn and we have received input and comments from several different councils and groups within the school. The commitment has been great from i.a. the School Management Advisory Board, which includes the heads of departments, the Director of first and second cycle education (GA), the Director of third cycle education (FA) as well as deputy GA and deputy FA. The School Faculty Assembly and the school's Strategic Council has also been actively involved in the process.
What is the next step?
We will continue to work on making the ABE school an absolutely world-class school, not least by developing our education and our research.