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New Director of Third Cycle Education (FA) appointed

Published Dec 13, 2018

Acting Head of School has decided, in consultation with the President and the Vice Dean of Faculty, to appoint Professor Anders Karlström as Director of Third Cycle Education (FA) for the School of Architecture and the Built Environment.
The term of office is from 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2022.

Director of Third Cycle Education (FA) role

Regulations regarding the FA role's responsibilities, tasks and decision-making rights are mainly stated in the KTH's rules of procedure, Guidelines on responsibilities for Director of First and Second Cycle Education, Director of Third Cycle Education and Programme Directors and in the school's Decision and Delegation scheme.

KTH's regulations: General Management  [mainly in Swedish]

ABE Decision and Delegation Scheme  [in Swedish]

The assignment comprises 40% of a full-time position, the percentage may be revised.

The school's current FA, Sven Ove Hansson, will retire at the turn of the year. A nomination process has been carried out during Autumn 2018 within the school led by the Deputy Head of School, where the Heads of Departments have been asked to submit proposals for candidates. The appointed candidate has been anchored among the school's Heads of Departments. The process has involved student representatives.