Get started with e-signature
Adobe Sign
The Adobe Sign service is used to supplement the document that is drawn up in a word template with e-signatures from everyone who is required to sign. The decision date is set automatically when signing.
Log in to Adobe Sign
- You log in at KTH:s login to Adobe Sign. . Then log in with the following steps.
- Login to Adobe Sign. You enter your address and then press the "Tab" key on your keyboard. (Use your personal KTH Account username, not a shared e-mail address or your alias) (1).
You will then come to KTH's login. The username is your KTH account, but with the extension UG according to (2).
You use the same password as to log in to other systems at KTH (3).
Start from library
- Click “Start from library”. If you are not in the view as shown below, click on "Home" (1)
- Click “Workflows” (2). Select the appropriate workflow (3). Right now the options are “KTH: Interna beslut med e-signatur”, “Anställningsavtal” and “Anställningsbekräftelser”. Note that the workflows are different. Links to more information about the specific workflows can be found in the menu on the left. Then click “Start” (4).