Security tightened after new protest march
On 29 May, a new protest march took place on the KTH Campus, disrupting ongoing activities. KTH is in close contact with the police and is increasing its security measures.

The demonstration, which did not have a permit but is constitutionally protected according to the police, took place in connection with an event on campus. The situation escalated after the event. Police patrols were present on campus.
’We take a very serious view of what happened today, which meant that KTH's activities could not be conducted in a safe and secure manner. We are intensifying our security measures to minimise the damage and disruption to our operations. The aim is for all staff and students to feel safe on campus and in their activities, which is difficult at the moment,' says Christina Boman, Head of Security at KTH.
KTH is monitoring the development and is in close contact with the police and the property owner, Akademiska Hus.
KTH has also been in contact with the students protesting.
Previous news:
Protesting campers in the courtyard