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Crisis support 25 - 72 hours after the incident

Here you will find checklists for designated persons regarding crisis support for affected persons and indirectly affected persons for crisis support.

To think about in case of continued crisis support to affected persons, 25-72 hours after the incident

The goal is that everyone feel that they have the opportunity to help themselves and each other in crisis situations.

  1. Conduct follow-up conversations with the affected person (s). Follow-up conversations can be made by the head, the teacher or another person. You do not have to be a professional health care provider.
  2. Often it is the head or the teacher who holds follow-up conversation with the affected person. The information can be distributed to another suitable person. First, check if the selected person feels comfortable with the task.
  3. If there are multiple victims, investigate whether it is appropriate with a follow-up group conversation or whether it is more appropriate to have individual follow-up conversations.
  4. Follow-up conversation: If the affected person wants to express himself, prepare some space to receive the affected person's experiences, thoughts, feelings, reactions and questions. It is likely that the affected person begins to reconstruct the incicdent, this is normal and is likely to be a part of the crisis. Listen, show, understand, and definitely not question the experiences, feelings or behavior of the affected person. It appears that an affected guilt is self-inflicted. Otherwise, give correct and necessary information and give correct information on questions.
  5. Assess if the person is in need of hospital care, including emergency psychiatric care. If this is the case, encourage and refer the person to caregivers.
  6. Provide brief information on common crisis reactions.
  7. Investigate what strategies the affected person has to cope with for the next 24 hours.
  8. Agree on occasions for contact the few next days.
  9. It is usually good if everyone affected gets their own appointed contact person at the workplace and the study site, this should be a person who wants to give a special support to the affected person over the time needed.
  10. Sometimes the affected person may need special efforts. The head of school/teacher/equivalent should then decide on these without discuss with the affected person whether they are necessary or "if you can manage yourself". A person in crisis cannot make such decision! It is usually good to have the routine that everyone affected should undergo the follow-up conversation of the occupational health care respectively student health . Consult the occupational health care / student health. If necessary, encourage these calls.

To think of when supporting the working group respective the study group (those affected indirectly)

The goal is that everyone feel that they have the opportunity to help themselves and each other in crisis situations.

  1. Carry through the follow-up conversation with the working group respective the study group, preferably in their regular group.
  2. Provide accurate and necessary information. Answer questions correctly. Prepare some space to receive thoughts, feelings and questions.
  3. Repeat brief information on common crisis reactions.
  4. Invite people to pay attention to their own and each other's reactions.
  5. Investigate if there is a need / wish for a new time for follow-up conversations in groups, and if so, decide time for that meeting.
  6. Investigate if there are requests for individual conversations in direct connection with ongoing group conversations.
  7. Evaluate and decide whether it is appropriate or necessary to have follow-up discussions in a group with the Occupational Health Care / Student Health, and if so. Encourage and point out that it is good if everyone participates, but do not force anyone to participate.
  8. Assess whether any person or persons appear to be in need of individual follow-up conversations at the Occuaptional Health Care / Student Health. If so, encourage them individually.
  9. Inform those who are on vacation / business trip / off duty about what has happened and that follow-up group discussions have taken place.
  10. Provide, if necessary, continuous information, daily or several times daily, at specified and communicated times. (Think over who is affected by the information. Include, for example, hired staff. Should you include people who are guests?)