Speak out through KTH's employee survey
Now in your inbox

Earlier this week, you received an invitation via email to do KTH's employee survey. Take the chance to contribute with your opinion and to be involved in influencing your work environment!
Now, those employed for at least three months, have received the first KTH employee pulse survey in your inbox. It is a new employee survey that consists of shorter surveys sent out quarterly. Your answers are anonymous, and no results are reported for groups of fewer than seven respondents.
The previously planned employee survey at the school will not be carried out.
In collaboration with the union
The new survey tool was procured in collaboration with the trade unions who have also participated in the process, followed the work and continuously provided input to the HR department.
"The KTH employee pulse is part of our systematic work environment work to review our work environment. The result will be the basis for initiatives we need to work on together to improve our work environment," says Elizabeth All, the HR manager at EECS.
"I urge you all to take advantage of the opportunity to influence your work environment, I see it as a tool to make a difference and create a dialogue between managers, the security organisation and employees," says the Acting Head of School Ann Lantz.