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An update from the hearing of candidates to the EECS Faculty Board

25 October

Published Oct 27, 2023

If you missed the hearing of the candidates for the EECS Faculty Board, you can see the summary and their presentations here.

During the hearing, 18 out of 20 candidates presented themselves via Zoom or on-site. They were introduced in groups of 4-5 people, followed by a question and answer session from the audience in the room and from Zoom. While most candidates were present on-site, some participated via Zoom and shared pre-recorded presentations. The chair of the EECS election committee, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, moderated the hearing.

Each candidate was allotted three minutes to introduce themselves and their aspirations and goals for holding a position on the EECS Faculty Board.

Below, you'll find access to the candidates' presentations, as well as pre-recorded presentations accessible via links. Please note that while a recording of the meeting is available at the bottom of the page, Peter Sjödin's and Musard Balliu's presentations are unfortunately absent.

Download the presentations from the hearing

Recording from the hearing