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Secondary occupations

The right for government employees to have certain secondary occupations is restricted by law and contract.

Specific regulations applicable for university faculty are detailed in the Higher Education Ordinance and the Public Employment act, among others. Restrictions apply to three areas: occupations which might damage public confidence, occupations which obstruct regular work and occupations which constitute competition.

What is a secondary occupation and why are secondary occupations regulated?

A secondary occupation, is any occupation, temporary or permanent, which is pursued simultaneously with government employment, for another employer but also any activity pursued outside of working hours which clearly does not pertain to private life. For university faculty, various academic activities for which one is compensated, are not considered secondary occupations. The main reason for regulation of the rights of public employees to engage in secondary occupations is that it is important for the public to have confidence in public administration and public employees.

More information 

Here is a link to the framework of regulations at KTH. There is more information about secondary occupations here: KTH framework and regulations (pdf 423 kB)


Reporting of secondary occupations for teachers (doc 106 kB)
Appendix Reporting of secondary occupations activities.docx (docx 50 kB)

Where should the forms be turned in?

Please send the form digitally to
