EECS has two bicycles that school staff may borrow for business-related travels.

How to borrow a bicycle
- Staff may borrow the bicycles for business-related travels (e.g. between our buildings or to meetings)
- Staff may book it maximum one week in advance
- Staff may borrow during the daytime. It is not allowed to keep the bike for the night
- There is one bicycle at Service Center Borggården (Lindstedtsvägen 3) and one at Servicer Center Q (Malvinas väg 10)
- You book it yourself through Outlook or webmail
- Be sure to book it so that you have a margin to collect it and return it within Service Center ´s opening hours.
- You must pick up and return the bicycle at the same Service Center
Booking calendars
There is one calendar per bicycle and Service Center
- Borggården: eecs-bicycle-borggarden
- Q: eecs-bicycle-q
Make your reservation with your first- and surname and the period you want to book it for. You can make your reservation directly in the calender which you will find in the adress book.