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FAQ regarding client backups

Computers using client platforms in IT Workspace use Crashplan for backups. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the backup service


Can I restore a lost file/directory myself?

All users can restore files and manage their backups at any time and from any location. You do not need to contact IT support to restore files.

Why is the backup of "Desktop" from my KTH Windows computer empty?

"Folder redirection" is used for your user and it points the files to home directory on the file server (H :). Contact KTH IT Support to see if files can be restored.

What does the Crashplan client back up?

Except for system files and applications we back up all files on the local hard drive. Files stored in the "nobackup" folder are excluded.

Can I exclude private files on my computer?

Yes. However you need to be aware that excluded files and directories are not backed up at all. Files you exclude will also be immediately removed from older backups, see - Change the file selection

Since you can control the exception rules yourself, you are responsible for saving the correct files, and for verifying this! The IT department cannot recreate excluded files.

Where are the backups stored?

All files are stored (encrypted) in Cloud42's cloud system.

Who can restore my files?

You can restore files yourself, as can staff in the IT department. Crashplan do not have access to any files, they see only encrypted data.

Are my files secure?

All communication between the backup client, KTH's server and Crashplan is encrypted with AES-256.

How do I log in to Crashplan?

You log in using with <KTH username> och your KTH password.

How can I check the backup status for my system? - Check the status of your backup

Can I use the backup service even if I don't use a centrally managed computer?

Yes, you can order the service separately according to the procedure Ordering IT products .


The following guides are from the official Crashplan documentation website.

How do I restore a file? - Download a single file

How do I restore multiple files? - Download multiple files

How do I search for files? - Find files to restore

How do I find deleted files? - Deleted files

How do i find earlier versions of iles, e.g. changed Word-files? - Previous file version

How can I find hidden files? - Hidden files

Where are restored files saved? - Save selected files to

If the file that is restored already is in the same folder you can over write it or give it a new name. - If file already exists

Are file permissions restored? - Permissions

Can I restore files to a different operating system? - Download files to a different operating system

Can files be restored to an external disk? - Download an external hard drive