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Publish video

At KTH, KTH Play is used as a file sharing tool, primarily for video. After a video has been uploaded to KTH Play, it can be published in channels on KTH Play, embedded in Canvas, uploaded to Polopoly or shared directly with a link. All employees at KTH have access to KTH Play.

Caption the video before publishing

In order for the video to be accessible, we recommend that you do not publish the video until the captioning and manual corrections are completed.

Read more about Captioning videos .

Share video via KTH Play to other tools and channels

Videos should be uploaded to KTH Play regardless of how they are intended to be shared, but there are several different ways to share videos from KTH Play.

Remember to always save a local copy of the uploaded video, KTH Play cannot be used for archiving.

Publish in channels in KTH Play

In KTH Play you can use various "Channels", where you can sort and share your videos to those who subscribe to the channel or have a link to it. In order for the videos to be shown in the correct channels, you need to set visibility settings per channel. Visibility settings and channels are only relevant within KTH Play.

Read more about Publish in channels in KTH Play .

Embed video into your Canvas course

An embedded video is played directly in Canvas instead of sending the viewer to the video source, e.g. KTH Play. A KTH-produced video is recommended to be uploaded to KTH Play first, but it is also possible to upload videos to KTH Play while embedding the video in Canvas. Another type of embedding is required to include the Transcript Widget, to embed video in New Quizzes, or to embed videos from external Web sites.

Read more on the e-learning pages to learn about how to Embed video into your Canvas course .

Publish in course rooms with Canvas Media Gallery

Media Gallery is a convenient way to publish videos in your Canvas course directly from KTH Play instead of embedding them on Canvas pages. You choose between all the videos you have access to in KTH Play and publish them per course, and can also create playlists of the published videos. Canvas Media Gallery is especially useful for large amounts of videos.

Read more on the e-learning pages to learn about how to use Canvas Media Gallery .

Publish on the KTH website with Polopoly

Web editors with access to Polopoly can publish videos on KTH's web pages, most easily via the media player in Polopoly with a share link from KTH Play. Polopoly is KTH's publishing system for publication on KTH's website, which includes

Media Player Management Guide, Polopoly Toolbars (in Swedish)

Regulations for publishing

For uploading and publishing in KTH Play, the same policies, regulations and liabilities apply as other IT resources within KTH.

Read more about Regulations for publishing .