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"Everyone can speak out and influence"

Kristina Palm, Chair of ITM's School Collegium
Published May 25, 2020

For the faculty members, the School Collegium is an important forum to get their voice heard, says Kristina Palm. She and 13 colleagues from the ITM School take place in the first School Collegium, that has its initial meeting in June.

Hi Kristina Palm, Chair of ITM's new ITM School Collegium. What’s going to happen in this assembly?

“We will address issues that the ITM faculty think are important to discuss and which, in the long run, can lead to a positive impact on ITM and KTH. This might be about how to distribute tasks between teachers and administration or how decision-making can become more transparent. The School Collegium is a forum for making everyone’s voice heard, which means that the focus is on talking and discussing."

"The school collegium (where the entire ITM faculty will be invited) meets twice every semester and our plan is to have our first meeting after the summer holidays. An initial meeting with all of the 14 of us who were elected will take place on June 8 to discuss how we plan our forum together."

Why is a school collegeium needed?

“It’s important since the collegium is the voice of the faculty. And in a long perspective our chance to influence KTH and ITM in issues important to us. I see it as an important complement to KTH's ”line management” and it is positive that the dean and vice-dean have tried to find a way for all to be heard. The dean and vice-dean have also started another assembly where everyone in KTH's faculty can participate and also be an arena for influence."

What is the main topic when the school collegium meet for the first time?

“In order for us to be able to influence ITM and KTH, we will need to discuss how we raise our questions to the decision makers at KTH, I think this will be an important issue at our first meeting on June 8."

Members of the ITM School Collegium

Two people from each departement in the ITM School Collegium.

  • Kristina Palm (ordförande)
  • Joachim Claesson (vice ordförande)
  • Monika Topel Capriles
  • Manon Bonvalet
  • Johan Kristoffersson
  • Hamzah Ssekiunga Ssemakula
  • Gunilla Franzén Sivard
  • Kristina Nyström
  • Mohammad Akhbari
  • Kristina Knauff
  • Per Norström
  • Fredrik Asplund
  • Hanna Bernemyr
  • Christopher Humle-Smith

Text: Anna Gullers

Belongs to: Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)
Last changed: May 25, 2020