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Support for doctoral students

Welcome to the support page for doctoral students at the ITM-school. Here you'll find resources for your studies. Supervisors will also find valuable information here.

Support for you who works with third-cycle education

Support during your studies

Important contacts

Your head of department is responsible for you work environment. Supervisor is responsible for ensuring you can do your studies and third cycle... assists you with any questions.

Contacts for doctoral students

Resources from KTH

On this page you will find information from the ITM-school, however KTH offers more resources and general information for doctoral students.

Doctoral student at KTH

Activities for doctoral students

Support towards the end of your studies

Tips for publishing in social media

  1. Choose platform with your target group in mind. Phocus on 1-2 platforms to actively work with.
  2. Don't forget to link to the original article.
  3. Add keywords or hashtags, so people find your work.
  4. Always use a picture.
  5. Think: "Who cares" - for whom is the research important?
  6. Think about whom you communicate with, the target audience (but not even your colleagues want too detailed information).
  7. Name the colleagues who have participated in the work.