It is crucial that programmes remain attractive to students
The SCI Faculty Board took several important decisions that will shape the future of the School. Jonna Geiryd, the student representative on the Board, highlights the work to revise the Master's programmes, appoint new committees and renew the structure of postgraduate education - efforts that will strengthen the development and attractiveness of SCI.

What were the main points of discussion during the last meeting?
"The Board decided on several important issues. Among other things, it chose the members of the school's appointment and docent committees and nominated representatives to KTH's Promotion Board. The Board also decided on a new structure for doctoral education, where the number of doctoral programmes is reduced but the number of research subjects remains. In addition, the Board discussed the revision of the School's Master's programmes."
Why are these issues relevant right now?
"Discussions and appointments of the various committees have been of the highest priority for the Faculty Board since the Faculty Board from 1 January has the overall responsibility for the preparation of appointments etc. Revision of doctoral and master's programmes is of great interest to the Faculty Board so that we at the SCI School can continue to be at the forefront at KTH and help drive development forward."
Is there any area that you feel is particularly important?
"From a student perspective, I think it is important that the Faculty Board continues to be involved in the revision of the Masters programmes. It is crucial that the programmes remains attractive to students, both in terms of breadth and depth. In the process of revising the Master's programmes, different interests have to be taken into account and therefore it is important to work strategically, which is one of the tasks of the Faculty Board."