Changes in the appointment and career system on the Faculty Board's agenda

The restructuring of the appointment committees, the career system and exam management were the focus of the latest meeting of the SCI Faculty Board. Board member Sara Zahedi shares insights on ongoing changes and how these initiatives strengthen both KTH's work environment and its attractiveness as a workplace.
What were the main discussion points of the last meeting?
"Our discussions focused on three areas:
A new Appointment Committee and Docent Committee at the School As of 1 January, the appointments board will cease to exist, and part of its responsibilities will be transferred to appointment committees and docent committees at the schools. The Faculty Board at SCI will therefore create an Appointment Committee (AU), which will replace the recruitment committee, and a Docent Committee (DU), which will replace the current docent committee at SCI. We would like to receive nominations for faculty representatives to serve on these committees.
Investigation of the Career System We discussed the report by the Vice Dean of Faculty and investigator Ann Fust on the investigation of the career system at KTH. We focused on the proposal that applicants within the tenure track system should have the right to have their promotion applications reviewed, and what this would entail. We also discussed the proposed new lecturer position, which would allow researchers (Forskare) and adjuncts (Adjunkt) to apply for promotion within a limited period. While these changes are positive, I am concerned that, in its current form, the new lecturer position lacks a clear career path.
The work of the examination administration and improvements The new central examination administration has now managed all the exams at KTH during the first exam period. An investigation will be carried out to improve the process for the next period, and the Faculty Board at SCI emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all teachers who wish to do so are given the opportunity to provide feedback to the investigation."
Why are these issues particularly important to the Board right now?
"These issues have an impact on KTH's attractiveness as a workplace and the working environment for employees. Organizing the committees, career paths, and recruitment processes effectively is crucial for attracting and retaining competent staff, as well as supporting employees' development opportunities and working conditions."
Is there any area you consider particularly important for the Board to focus on?
"I believe that the development of the Appointment Committee and Docent Committee at the schools is particularly important. It is positive that the committees will consist of faculty representatives, teacher representatives from the Faculty Board (as vice chair), and the Director of Faculty Renewal (FFA). By moving the responsibility closer to the organisation, we can streamline the decision-making processes, while the Faculty Board at the school will have a more direct insight into them."
"Another important aspect for the board is to create effective recruitment processes. We should examine current processing times for recruitment and docent cases, set clear improvement goals where we see a need, and develop more efficient processes."
"As of January 1, the Head of school will decide whether promotion applications should be reviewed by experts and the Promotion Board, which was raised in the meeting."
Do you see any challenges with that?
"I hope that a system for handling promotion applications can be developed that is both fair and transparent. I see a risk in concentrating too much power in the hands of one person in this context. An important and crucial principle is to avoid concentrating power in one or a few people. At the SCI school, however, the decision will be taken jointly by the head of school and the school management team. "
"I think it would be better if all applications were examined by experts and the Promotion Board that must be able to reject an application if they do not consider the applicant to be qualified. Extending the resubmission period could be considered if applicants are applying before meeting the promotion criteria."