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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about course evaluation and course development

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about course evaluation, course analysis and course development. If you have more questions, you can always contact us.

If you receive an error message

Are you getting an error message when you try to access Course Evaluation in Canvas for the first time? This may be because your account has not been created. You need to log in to the admin interface by going to  and click on the button “KTH-Edu”. If you are logged in somewhere at KTH, you will be logged in automatically. Then you can access the tool via Canvas.

New system for course evaluation and course analysis in use from study period 3 VT25

These pages describe the new system for course evaluation and course analysis that is being used for course offerings starting in study period 3, spring semester 2025. The previous system, LEQ , is being phased out at the same time as the new system is launched.

Find out more about the system and get support at several Q&A sessions by E-learning this spring.

Project: New IT system support for course evaluation and analysis

General questions

Do I need to publish a course survey or course analysis?

As a teacher, you do not need to do anything until it is time to write and fill in the course analysis. Everything else is done automatically via Canvas. If you want, you can adjust the survey by adding questions, adjusting the start date, choosing to moderate free text answers or adding more authorised persons before publishing it to students.

Process and timeline for course evaluation and course analysis

What is course survey and course analysis?

The course survey is the questionnaire students fill in to give their evaluation of and opinions on the course. The course survey is automatically published in the course room in Canvas for each course offering. The survey is based on a KTH-made template, but it is possible to add questions before it is published for students. 

Course survey template

The course analysis can be based on several sources such as student feedback (via, among other things, the course survey), various types of course or programme meetings (for example, course analysis meeting), examinations, and teachers' own reflections. The course analysis is filled in via Canvas. A template to fill in is automatically published in the course room at the end of each course and teachers receive an e-mail when the template is available.

Course analysis template

Can I still use LEQ, the system previously used for course evaluation?

No, the new automated system integrated in Canvas replaces LEQ. All courses will use the new system as of study period 3, spring semester 2025.

Will my previous surveys from LEQ still be available?

Yes, we will save older surveys and course analyses from the LEQ system for archiving.

Can I adjust all the timeframes in the system?

You can adjust most dates, but as the course evaluation and analysis system is automated, some dates need to be fixed. The timeframes have been tested in different ways and decided by the project team together with the Dean of Faculty and the quality coordinators. The time frames are also still being tested during the rollout of the system and may be changed.

Questions about the course survey

Course survey template

What is a course survey?

The course survey is the questionnaire students fill in to give their evaluation and opinions about the course.

Who is the survey owner?

By default, the survey owner is the course coordinator. You can change or add other authorised persons. Survey owners will receive reminder e-mails from the system before the survey is published and when the survey is closed and course analysis can be written.

Can I create my own questions in the survey template?

Yes, you can create your own questions in the survey template. There is no limit on how many you can create. You can create two types of questions: questions with fixed answers on a scale of 1–5 and questions with free text answers.

Can I deselect the open questions in the template, which have free text answers?

No, you cannot opt out of any of the fixed questions in the template. However, you can choose to have free text answers moderated to deal with inappropriate comments.

Do I need to publish the course survey or is it done automatically?

The course survey for your course is automatically published in Canvas. Before publishing, the course coordinator (or survey owner) will receive an e-mail with information about when the survey is published, so that you have time to adapt the survey if necessary.

When is the course survey published?

By default, the survey is published on the Monday after the course end date. However, you have the possibility to adjust the start date of the survey.

Can I merge several course surveys into one, for example if my course has several course instances?

The system automatically creates one course survey per course instance (not per course offering), even if you have merged several course instances in the course room in Canvas.

Starting study period 4 VT25, you can merge surveys from several course instances so that all students answer the same survey. Contact  well before the start of study period 4 and we will help you.

In study period 3 VT25, it is unfortunately not possible to combine several course surveys.

What is the difference between a course instance and a course offering?

Course instance: Instance of a course offering to which students apply and are admitted. Programme students, fee-paying students and freestanding students are admitted to different course instances, but are then taught in the same course offering. Course instances should thus be grouped together into one course offering.

Course offering: A practical implementation of a course. A course offering has a common start time, a common pace and normally common teaching for a group of students. The schedule is set per course offering and the course PM is designed per course offering.

When is the latest date I need to make changes to the survey?

Changes to the course survey need to be made before it is published. See the two questions above for more information on publishing the survey.

Will I be able to continue doing the course survey in other forms?

Yes, you are welcome to supplement the automatic survey with other methods such as extra surveys or discussions with students. The new system integrated into Canvas is just one part of the course analysis process.

Can I export data from course surveys?

It will be possible to extract data and reports from course surveys in the new system.

Questions about course analysis

Course analysis template

What does the course analysis contain?

The course analysis can be based on several sources such as student feedback (for example via the course survey), course meetings, examinations, and teachers' own reflections. Course analysis is filled in via Canvas. A template to fill in is published in the course room automatically at the end of each course and you as a teacher will receive an e-mail reminder when it is available to fill in.

In the course analysis, it is possible to write both public and internal reflections. Internal reflections are only visible to the course coordinator and any other added authorised users who work on the development of the course, such as the Programm Director (PA), the Director of First and Second Cycle Education (GA) or the head of department.

Free text responses from the survey are only visible to the course coordinator and other authorised users, and are never published to students or others externally.

When the course analysis is completed, it is published in the course room in Canvas. Information about planned changes to upcoming course rounds is also published on the course page in About course.

Do I need to publish the course analysis or is it done automatically?

The course analysis is automatically published in the course room in Canvas 7 weeks (49 days) after the course end date. If the course analysis is missing, only the results from the course survey will be published. If you finish the course analysis before 7 weeks, it can be published earlier.

Who can see the private, internal reflections in the course analysis?

The course coordinator and other authorised persons such as the head of department, PA or GA have access to part two of the course analysis with the teacher's reflections and the students' free text responses from the course survey. It is not published publicly.


Survey owner: The person responsible for the course survey. By default, the survey owner is the course coordinator. It is possible to change or add more people responsible for the survey.

Course evaluation: The evaluation students make of the course, for example by answering the course survey. 

Report: Two reports are created after the course survey closes for responses, one with free text answers and one without. The reports are the basis for the course analysis. If no course analysis is done, the results of the course survey without free text answers are published.

Course analysis: Analysis made by the course coordinator based on the results of the course evaluation. Insights from, for example, course evaluation board meetings and other contacts with students during the course can also be included in the analysis.

Course data: Statistical information about the course and the course offering, such as the number of credits of the course, the number of registered students and responsible teachers.

Course evaluation board: Each course should have a course evaluation board made up of students taking the course who meet with the teacher and can express the views of the course participants.

Course instance: Instance of a course offering to which students apply and are admitted. Programme students, fee-paying students and freestanding students are admitted to different course instances, but are then taught in the same course offering. Course instances should thus be grouped together into one course offering. Course surverys are created per course instance.

Course offering: A practical implementation of a course. A course offering has a common start time, a common pace and normally common teaching for a group of students. The schedule is set per course offering and the course PM is designed per course offering.

Do you have any questions?

If you have technical problems, please contact

If you have any questions about course surveys, course analyses or KTH's quality work in general, contact

Course evaluation via LEQ and manual upload of course analyses on About course is not used from study period 3, VT25

Course evaluations cannot be done via the Learning Environment Questionnaire (LEQ) as of study period 3, spring semester 2025. LEQ is replaced by the new system, which is integrated and automated in Canvas and About course, for all courses from study period 3.

As surveys and analyses are automated, you do not need to upload your course analysis manually via About course  from study period 3.