Support for course development after course evaluations
Do you want to develop your course based on students' feedback on course evaluation? Need support to get started? On this page, you will find various forms of support that can help you with the development of your course.
If you receive an error message
Are you getting an error message when you try to access Course Evaluation in Canvas for the first time? This may be because your account has not been created. You need to log in to the admin interface by going to
and click on the button “KTH-Edu”. If you are logged in somewhere at KTH, you will be logged in automatically. Then you can access the tool via Canvas.
New system for course evaluation and course analysis in use from study period 3 VT25
These pages describe the new system for course evaluation and course analysis that is being used for course offerings starting in study period 3, spring semester 2025. The previous system,
, is being phased out at the same time as the new system is launched.
Here's a list of what's not yet working as intended in the new system. Solutions are on the way.
Action plans are not yet automatically initiated.
In study period 3, VT25, it's not possible to merge surveys from several course instances, however it will be possible starting study period 4. Contact
well before study period 4 starts and we will help you merge surveys. Otherwise one course survey is created per course instance, not course offering.
Sometimes the wrong e-mail template is used for the course report when filling in the course analysis, so that teachers receive emails with text aimed at students.
Last updated on 13 March, 2025.
Find out more about the system and get support at several Q&A sessions by E-learning this spring.
For inspiration about activities to support students' learning and that their active participation in the course, we recommend the pages about
Learning activities
Assessment and feedback (questions 3, 7)
To get advice and tips on planning examination activities, you can look at the pages about
. Also take a look at the pages about
Quizzes in Canvas
The course survey's questions about workload and relevance can be difficult to give general support to. Instead, we recommend discussing the issues with your colleagues, for example at a course analysis meeting. The page
Course analysis meeting
provides support for conducting such a meeting.
Pedagogical supervision and competence development
If you want to discuss the results of the course evaluation and how you can develop your course, you are always welcome to contact the higher education education unit through
If you need support with digital teaching, you can email
to receive guidance.
Courses in teaching and learning in higher education
If you are experiencing technical issues, please contact
If you have any questions about the course evaluation, course analysis, or KTH's quality assurance processes, please contact
Course evaluation via LEQ and manual upload of course analyses on About course is not used from study period 3, VT25
Course evaluations cannot be done via the Learning Environment Questionnaire (LEQ) as of study period 3, spring semester 2025. LEQ is replaced by the new system, which is integrated and automated in Canvas and About course, for all courses from study period 3.
As surveys and analyses are automated, you do not need to upload your course analysis manually via
About course
from study period 3.