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Course survey template

Here you can see what the template looks like for course surveys for KTH's courses.

If you receive an error message

Are you getting an error message when you try to access Course Evaluation in Canvas for the first time? This may be because your account has not been created. You need to log in to the admin interface by going to  and click on the button “KTH-Edu”. If you are logged in somewhere at KTH, you will be logged in automatically. Then you can access the tool via Canvas.

New system for course evaluation and course analysis in use from study period 3 VT25

These pages describe the new system for course evaluation and course analysis that is being used for course offerings starting in study period 3, spring semester 2025. The previous system, LEQ , is being phased out at the same time as the new system is launched.

Find out more about the system and get support at several Q&A sessions by E-learning this spring.

Project: New IT system support for course evaluation and analysis

Below you can see what the template for course surveys looks like, with both questions and the type of answers you can give when filling out the survey. As a teacher, you will also be able to add your own questions and adapt the survey to your course's needs.

The template has been developed by a working group consisting of lecturers and representatives from THS, with support from the quality coordinators at the Management Office. It has been tested on different types of courses to ensure that the questions in the template are suitable for both undergraduate and graduate courses.

Template: Course survey

Scale for questions 1–8 and 11:

Strongly agree (5)

Somewhat agree (4)

Neither agree nor disagree (3)

Somewhat disagree (2)

Strongly disagree (1)

Not applicable, no view, prefer not to answer (-)

Please rate the course with regard to the following areas:

1. The course information was well organised, with clear learning objectives and expectations.

For instance: The information was clear, understandable, available in good time, communicated learning objectives and requirements.

2. The course design provided good support for my learning.

For instance: Stimulating and challenging teaching activities, assignments for individual study, projects.

3. The course gave opportunities to monitor my own progress and understand what I needed to do in order to succeed with the course.

For instance: Opportunity to practice using the knowledge myself, different kinds of feedback, complete the course according to my own ambitions.

4. I participated actively in the different parts of the course and studied continuously.

For instance: Participated in scheduled activities, group work or projects, studied independently, sought answers to my own questions.

5. I felt included and respected in this course.

For instance: I was comfortable speaking in front of the group, answering the teacher's questions and I was listened to.

6. The course had reasonable scope and workload.

For instance: The content corresponded to the number of number of credits, reasonable workload, evenly distributed.

7. The assessment was meaningful.

For instance: Clear connection between the learning objectives and what was assessed, the assessment activities gave opportunity to learn, focusing on understanding and ability to use the knowledge, fair grading.

8. The course feels relevant and I have developed my competence.

For instance: Relevant in relation to the programme and/or working life, meaningful for my own development.

9. What has worked well in the course?

Free text response.

10. What can be developed in the course?

Free text response.

11. My overall impression of the course regarding both implementation and content is that it is good.

Do you have questions?

If you are experiencing technical issues, please contact .

If you have any questions about the course evaluation, course analysis, or KTH's quality assurance processes, please contact .

Course evaluation via LEQ and manual upload of course analyses on About course is not used from study period 3, VT25

Course evaluations cannot be done via the Learning Environment Questionnaire (LEQ) as of study period 3, spring semester 2025. LEQ is replaced by the new system, which is integrated and automated in Canvas and About course, for all courses from study period 3.

As surveys and analyses are automated, you do not need to upload your course analysis manually via About course  from study period 3.