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Support students in an examination with Zoom

Frequently asked questions and answers for teachers/examiners who are conducting a remote exam with Zoom. These questions and answers primarily concern support for students before and during examinations with Zoom.

Information for students

What information should students receive and from whom?

(Last reviewed February 23, 2023)

The examiner informs the student about what applies before each examination. You need to be clear about exactly what applies to your examination, for example inform about.

  • Allowed time per part of the exam
  • How answers should be uploaded
  • Information on the structure of the examination
  • Hand-written/ computer-written
  • Permitted aids

On the page Information to communicate to students , you can read more about what information the students need before the examination.

How can the students prepare themselves for an examination with Zoom?

(Last reviewed February 23, 2023)

It is highly recommended that students be given the chance to try handing in an assignment before the examination takes place. For registered students with access to it, it is easy to create a practice place in the course's Canvas room.

The examination room in Canvas may be used for practice questions (allowing the student to practice) and for communicating with the examinees before the exam (publish information). Note! If you design your examination in the examination room and simultaneously use the same examination room for practice and communication, you need to be very cautious about what is being published and what isn’t.

What should I keep in mind when contacting the students who will take an exam?

(Last reviewed February 23, 2023)

If the students are in the examination room in Canvas, you can send messages through the inbox function. The sections in the examination room can be used to send different information to students with compensatory support (different Zoom links, for example). If you send emails to the students, remember to use the BCC row, so that their email addresses aren’t be visible.

What equipment do the students need to be able to take a remote exam that uses Zoom?

(Last reviewed February 23, 2023)

It is expected of the students to have the technical equipment necessary. In the first place, students must have Zoom on their phone and in the second place on their computer.

If the student is missing any equipment and that means that the examination cannot be carried through, the student is referred to a later examination date. Should there be technical difficulties, the examiner can deem the examination invalid by guidelines produced by KTH’s First and Second Cycle Education Committee. If there are technical difficulties and the examiner deems the examination, or parts of it, as invalid, the students will be offered a chance to retake the exam or to complete a supplementary assignment, both within 15 workdays.

Students with compensatory support

What applies to students with compensatory support (support from Funka)?

(Last reviewed February 23, 2023)

Students with compensatory support with a recommended extended writing time are found in their own section in the examination room in Canvas. The examiner needs to make sure this section has access to the exam for a period that is 50% longer than the regular writing time. These students are allocated to their own group in Zoom that will be attended by an meeting host for the whole duration of the exam. If you have an agreement with your exam administration on using Zoom in examination, they need to be informed of this. If you divide your exam into parts, each part should have extended writing time.

Funka's recommendations regarding support during examination

Can students with an extended writing time start earlier than those with an ordinary writing time?

(Last reviewed February 23, 2023)

No. The majority of the students are not pressent via Zoom before the exam, so there is a risk of exam questions being distributed between students in an unplanned way.

Can a student with an extended writing time hand in their exam earlier?

(Last reviewed February 23, 2023)

All students can upload their exam when the ordinary writing time is over, so students with extended writing time can upload their answers and leave the Zoom meeting when they are done.

What happens if the exam is divided into parts?

(Last reviewed February 23, 2023)

Students with an extended writing time should have extended time on each part of the exam.

Contact and support for examination

Do you have questions about examination? There are contact persons for planning and coordinating examinations at each school, and you can also get help with digital arrangements from E-learning.

Contacts for examination

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Mar 06, 2024
Examinations with Zoom
Examiner's responsibilities in an examination with Zoom
Support students at Zoom examinations
Submission and assessment
Technical difficulties with digital examinations