KTH Transfer to Ladok - transfer grades from Canvas
Here you will find information on how to use "KTH Transfer to Ladok" (T2L) to transfer grades in Canvas to Ladok. Transfer to Ladok transfers grades to Draft status in Ladok.
Important to know about KTH Transfer to Ladok
The function "KTH Transfer to Ladok" can be used from examination and course rooms by those with reporting rights in Ladok. The results must be published and in letter grade format in order to be transferred. There are also some limitations on how failed results can be transferred.
Important to know about KTH Transfer to Ladok
How to transfer grades from Canvas to Ladok
The function "KTH Transfer to Ladok" (T2L) helps you transfer results from assignments in Canvas to Ladok modules. Here you will find information about the different steps in the function.
How to transfer grades from Canvas to Ladok
When Transfer to Ladok is not enough: KTH Result Export
As a complement to Transfer to Ladok, there is the KTH Result Export function, which exports results from Canvas Gradebook together with the students' personal identity numbers to a csv file. This makes it easier when grades need to be processed outside of Canvas.
When Transfer to Ladok is not enough: KTH Result Export