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Theory: Ladok basics

On this page we go through the basics about Ladok; Ladok as a system, processes and terminology in Ladok.

Table of contents

  1. About Ladok
  2. From admission to a degree
  3. Ladok terminology
  4. HST and HPR
  5. Study administrative systems at KTH
  6. Rules and regulations 
  7. Support

KTH in numbers

Undergraduate and graduate level (2022):

  • 13 583 full-time equivalent students at the undergraduate and graduate level, 34 percent women and 66 percent men (including fee-paying students)
  • 11 368 annual performance equivalent students (including fee-paying students)
  • 3 170 degrees issued

PhD level (2022):

  • 1 582 active PhD students
  • 288 degrees issued

Staff (2022):

  • 5 240 employees
  • 1 faculty
  • 5 schools, with their own departments

1. About Ladok

What is Ladok?

  • Ladok is our study registry system where we have information about students' registrations, study results and degrees
  • Ladok is aiming to make the day to day work easier at the departments, the central administration and for follow up and statistics. 
  • Ladok is a national system, jointly owned by 40 Universities, University Colleges and CSN

Data in Ladok provides information to

  • NyA (Admissions system)
  • Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN)
  • Provide the basis for decisions regarding degrees from KTH or other higher education institutions in Sweden
  • Official statistics (Statistics Sweden and Swedish Higher Education Authority)
  • The annual report

Ladok as a finance system

Data in Ladok such as program/course registrations are used as a basis for:

  • the allocation of funds to the KTH Schools and the School’s operational assignments

  • KTH’s Annual Report, which is shared to the Ministry of Education and Research and impacts KTH’s economic framework

KTH annual reports and other follow-up reports are available on the KTH intranet:

KTH annual reports and other follow-up reports

Operational Controlling

  • You can generate data for follow-up reporting on courses and programmes and Schools in Ladok. It is possible to find HST, HPR, the number of students registered and the student completion reports directly from the system.
  • There are multiple user guides available here: Statistics and follow-up reporting

Ladok in study administration

Ladok study administration

One Ladok, One KTH

At KTH we actively work with our study administrative processes to have a legally secured and uniform way to manage education administration at KTH. 

We all contribute to good quality:

  • We enter the correct information about a course into Ladok, and the information further along will be correct, in degree certificates, in the statistics etc. 
  • We make sure that only the students who are actually taking a course are registered on the course, and thereby the HST will be correct. 
  • We make sure that the title of a student's degree project is spelled correctly when entered into Ladok, in order to avoid spelling mistakes in a student's degree certificate.

2. Workflow in Ladok

Catalog, application, admission, registration, result, degree

We will go through each part in the workflow more in detail below, from admission to degree. In each part there are one or more study administrative processes related. Most of them are published only in Swedish, but some are also published in English. You can find all the processes here: Educational administrative processes | KTH intranet

3. Ladok terminology

Some key words you will find throughout Ladok and it is important to know the meaning of those.

4. HST and HPR

KTH is funded mainly through grants from the government (Ministry of Education and Research) and from contributions from state bodies and the private sector. We receive funding from the Ministry of Education and Research for delivering education. The amount of funding we receivebased on the number of students who register for courses (HST) and complete the courses (HPR)

5. Study administrative systems at KTH

There are many study administrative systems at KTH. Below you find the most widely used ones listed.

  • UG: User database for all KTH students and employees
  • KOPPS: KTH's Course and Program Planning System
  • Canvas: Learning platform where students have access to their course related information (course materials, discussion forums etc.)
  • NyA: a national Admissions System
  • ISP: Individual Study Plan for phD students
  • TimeEdit: Scheduling system for booking rooms
  • Others including: Mobility online, TentaAdmin, GPA calculator, Tentascanning

Flow: how are the systems connected

The study administrative systems are interconnected in many ways. The picture below shows the main connections between the systems, but there are also for example a direct connection from Ladok to other systems such as the scheduling system TimeEdit, TentaAdmin, Tentascanning etc.

Batch, Ladok, synk Kopps

The joint student registry: between Ladok and NyA

  • The joint student registry is a system service jointly run for all universities connected to Ladok and NyA. The registry is used for creating and updating identities (applicants/students).
  • Identities can be created both in Ladok and NyA, but they are stored in the joint student registry. This way the identity only exists once. The student registry is also connected to the Swedish population registry.
NyA, individual service (sync), ladok

Interim personal number

  • A student without a Swedish personal number will be registered in Ladok/NyA with an interim personal number, YYYYMMDD-XXXX. 
  • The control numbers (XXXX) contains of a letter plus three numbers. The control numbers are generated from the national student database. The most common letter in the control numbers is T, but other letters can also occur. Students use their interim personal number in their contact with KTH. They also use it when taking exams. 
  • When the student has applied for and received a Swedish personal number, they need to contact KTH: Swedish personal identification number | KTH Student web . The Ladok support at KTH then make the update in Ladok.

6. Rules and regulations

KTH is a government authority and is therefore subject to several different laws, acts and ordinances. We have listed some of the most important ones below. You can find more information on working for a governmental employer on KTH Intranet: To work for a governmental employer .

Important to know

As an employee at KTH and a user of Ladok, you need to know that:

  • The information in Ladok is managed according to the same regulations as other public documents held by an authority 
  • As a rule, all information in Ladok is considered public
  • The right to access the information may be restricted by privacy regulations

The information in Ladok is for your use as an employee of KTH only, and shall not be shared outside of KTH. All external requests regarding student information are managed by UF/AUA and should be sent to


  • Do not share your password
  • Always lock your computer, even if you are away from your desk for a short while
  • All actions in Ladok are logged (every transaction and user)

7. Support

  •  Ladok Support can be reached at
  •  Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge are supported (Internet Explorer is not)
  • Since Ladok is web-based you are able to use the keyboard shortcuts you are familiar with (copy/paste etc.), use multiple windows and mark and send links

Contact Information

  • Ladok
  • Problems logging in?
  • Tuition fees questions?
  • Legal questions?