Opportunities for KTH teachers, staff and students to participate in networking around various issues related to education at first, second and third cycle are of high value. These sections share the KTH overall arenas for this. For academic leaders, there are special networks for exchange of experience and collaborations on educational development.
KTH-Wide Arenas for Education Development
Storträffen Meetups and Prioritised Educational Issues (PriU) Groups
KTH's Faculty Council emphasises the importance of university-wide exchange and learning as part of the systematic quality work. To strengthen the exchange of experience and continuous quality development of our programmes, the Storträffen meetup is arranged every semester for all staff and students, with special groups focusing on several thematic groups, so-called PriU groups.
The Program Directors for education programs on 1st and 2nd cycle at KTH meet once per month, with the aim to stimulate innovation in education and strengthen the PA role. The network was initiated in 2012 and has been continuously developed to be an efficient and relevant arena for the program directors.
Welcome to an inspiring journey through the future of higher education! We invite teachers, staff, students, researchers and university management to our spring Storträff meet up.
Keynote speaker is Farazee Asif the Pedagogical Prize winner 2023
KI's Educational congress 2024 - Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education
Karolinska university welcomes KTH teachers to register to their educational congress on Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education which will take place on 2-3 oktober 2024.
SoTL is a collegial method for how teachers can develop their teaching based on current research and knowledge about learning in higher education. All employees and students at KTH who are interested in teaching and learning are welcome. The next conference is in autumn 2025.