Storträff = Stor/Big success
Published May 14, 2020
The 12th may was the day we delivered the Storträff online via Zoom.
The moderetars for the day were Leif Kari, Vice president of Education, Anna-Karin Högfeldt & Viggo Kann.
With 198 participants, everyone listened to the various speakers present including the president Sigbritt Karlsson as well as the vice-presidents, The Dean & Vice Dean of faculty to all give their input and ideas forward in these trying times.
Then we had 25 roundtables / zoom rooms. 11 in distance education and 14 with other themes. In total, 39 discussion rounds were conducted with various topics related to education and training development.
- Anna Anna Jerbrant, Deputy Head of ITM School has written a blog post about it which you can find here
- If you would like to see the film with all the main speakers you can see it here
- Documentation form the day you can find on KTH:s storträffar och PriU-grupper site
- More about "Storträffar" and Prioritized Educational Issues (PriU) Groups here