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Per Fagrell’s PhD defence

The Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences has the pleasure to invite you all to Per Fagrell’s public defence of his doctoral thesis.

Tid: Fr 2020-06-05 kl 13.00

Plats: Per Fagrells public defence Zoom room

Exportera till kalender

Further information can be found at: https://www.kth.se/aktuellt/kalender/change-and-inertia-in-the-development-of-swedish-engineering-education-1.984654?date=2020-06-05&length=1&orglength=30&orgdate=2020-06-01

The title of the thesis is “Change and inertia in the development of Swedish engineering education – The industrial stakeholder perspective”. An electronic version is also available in Diva.

Doctoral student: Per Fagrell, Department of Learning, HEOS

Opponent: Professor Jennifer Case, Virginia Tech

Supervisors: Lars Geschwind and Anders Broström

The seminar starts at 1 pm sharp. You are all welcome to log in 10-15 minutes before the actual start time. Please remember to register.

Due to the present circumstances, there will be no mingle and (potential) celebration afterwards. We will have to save that for a later date.