Creating and publishing cases
How you create, edit and publish a recruitment case
In Varbi, KTH’s recruitment processes are divided into five numbered “steps”. These are shown at the top in edit mode. This part of the manual deals with: step 1 Initiation; step 2 Edit job advertisement; and, step 3 Request publication.
Create new case
Log in to Varbi, select Recruiting. Select the Create button.
Select Case type. This governs the process used in the recruitment. Also select the matching Case template. This governs the content of the job advertisement, which selection questions are included, etc. Next, select the organisational level at which the case is to be created. You can only select the levels for which you have access.
The case is now opened. Begin by changing the title. This does not need to be the case’s final title. However, what you write here will be the case title in the register (W3D3) until the case is finally filed in Varbi.
To save the new title, save the case.
Press Create project in W3D3 and pick up project number. A case is now created in KTH’s register. Basic information is transferred from Varbi to W3D3 and the registration number is shown in Varbi.
Step 1 Initiation
Different case types have different processes. You can read about your current case type in the Recruitment page menu. Using the input drawn up by your school/division, you complete and upload the necessary documents in the initiation step.
At the bottom of step 1, you can add a recruitment group and set up access to the case. Here, if HR is in charge of the recruitment in the case, you can also set who is the recruiting manager. The people in the recruitment group will receive emails when certain events occur in the case. This does not mean that they have read rights in the case (if they do not already have such access).
To assign access in the case, use the Add access button. Read more under Create users and accesss.
Step 2 Edit job advertisement
This is where you draw up the final job advertisement and the questions the applying candidates see when they apply.
Preview a job advertisement
When you are in edit mode, always select Web preview. Before the case is published, this link cannot be shared with unauthorised users. Instead, you can create a rough PDF preview and send this. Note that this file will not give an exact picture of what the published job advertisement will look like on screen or in print.
Top image
Under the Choose image button, you can select an image for the job advertisement’s head. For doctoral student job advertisements, there are particular images that will be added by the publishing function on publication. For other case types, you have a free choice from the available images.
Job advertisement template
In certain case types, a final job advertisement template in Word format must be uploaded and approved in step 1. In these cases, you copy in text from the document and paste it in the Description field in step 2. Otherwise, you can write the job advertisement directly in Varbi. Based on your recruitment permission/appointment profile, you complete those parts of the job advertisement template that are empty.
It is important that all headings in the job advertisement have Header 3 formatting and all general text has Paragraph formatting. This is so that people using text-to-speech software can navigate easily through the text.
Complete all details. The tree Occupation fields are needed for the Swedish Public Employment agency. Unfortunately, although they are not very detailed, they must be completed. Using the Quick search by occupation button, select the closest alternative.
Also fill in “Number of vacancies” (1, or more if several people are being recruited via the same job advertisement) and “Salary” e.g. Monthly salary.
Contact person
Compulsory, usually the recruiting manager and the person in charge of the recruitment at HR. It is important that these people are available to answer questions about the recruitment.
Supplementary questions and files
Here, you can enter questions that candidates are to answer in their applications. There are a number of question types. The two most common are:
- Qualification questions – Used for compulsory requirements in the job advertisement and capable of being answered Yes or No. An example of a compulsory requirement is: For this appointment, you must have a Master of Science in Engineering. An example of an appertaining qualification question here is: Do you have a Master of Science in Engineering? In selection mode, applications where the applicant answered No are to be marked with the text Not qualified.
- Multi choice question – Does not affect the candidate’s status in selection mode. Can be used to ask questions about credit-worthy experience or to ask the candidate to select between several alternatives. For example: If you are appointed, would you prefer to specialise in subject A, B or C?
All job advertisements must be available in Swedish. If you would also like the job advertisement to be in English, click +Multilingual at the top and activate “English” (if not already activated). Next, translate the job advertisement and any supplementary questions.
If English is activated, but you only want to publish in Swedish, select Remove English in the “multilingual” menu. Otherwise, the half-completed English job advertisement template will be displayed to candidates visiting our English website for vacancies.
Step 3 Request publication
When steps 1 and 2 have been completed, proceed to step 3 Request publication. Press the blue Request publication button.
Read the instructions and tick the advertising channels you wish to use. When ordering advertising that is not free and is in addition to the standard package, enter invoice reference in the form of your approver code in the Additional information box.
Enter the days on which the job advertisement is to be published. For all channels except LinkedIn Premium (which advertises immediately after publication has been requested and approved), a future start date can be selected.
The request is now sent to Here, the job advertisement will be examined to ensure it complies with KTH’s guidelines. It is then published in the channels you selected. If you did not deselect this in step 1, the recruitment group’s members will automatically receive an email when the job advertisement is published.
Change published job advertisements
If you would like to make changes in an already published job advertisement, you must submit a new publication request. Make your changes in step two. Then go to step three and use the event log to see which dates you selected in the original request. State the same dates. In the General information box, enter what changes you have made.
Extending publication
To extend the run of an already published job advertisement, you must request new publication with a new “to end of” date before the final application date has passed. Enter the same “as of” date as in the original request (you can see this in the event log). In the General information box, enter that you would like an extension.