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Ladok at KTH

To find out more about Ladok see links to the left.

Ladok at KTH In order to access "Ladok for employees" (teachers and administrators) a special account is required and compulsory education has been completed.

Log in to Ladok for employees

NOTE! Doctoral students who want to see their own assignments should log into "Ladok for students"!

Log in to Ladok for students (incl PhD students)

Read more about Ladok at KTH via links in menu.

KTH one out of four primary test universities for Ladok 2021/2022

During this academic year KTH has been chosen to be one out of four primary test universities for Ladok. That means that KTH as an institution, and you as a system user, will have a better chance to influence the development of Ladok. The participation can take many forms. Among these are: Surveys, interviews and evaluations/tests of planned changes before they are deployed to all higher education institutions. Participation is voluntary and is done directly with the Ladok Consortium and not through Ladok locally at KTH.

The first opportunity to participate will start September 15 2021 and will include the following functionalities:

  • The Follow-up report for results
  • Report results for a specific student
  • Activity sessions searches
  • Activity sessions: Participation

Users will be able to register interest for interviews as well as directly give feedback on the functionality through the Ladok interface, through the pages listed above. The form for signing up opens 15 September and the interviews will be held in the middle/end of October.

example of the button in Ladok
example of the button in Ladok

Changed views for reporting and certification of results September 15 2021

One goal in Ladok's business plan is to improve the usability for teachers. As part of this work, the Ladok Consortium will change the views for reporting and certification (for courses and activities). The updated views are scheduled to be delivered in the upgrade on September 15.

Why do we change the views?

For the past six months, the consortium has been working on an update of the technical basis on which Ladok rests. In connection with the fact that we still needed to work on the code behind the views for reporting and certification, we are taking the opportunity to implement some requested usability improvements. The aim of this is to make the views easier to understand, make them clearer, and in the long run make Ladok a more user-friendly system. Proposals for changes have been made via reference universities through surveys, user studies and usability tests, i.e. in dialogue with those who report and certify grades for everyday use.

How will the views change?

On the whole, the management of a course in LADOK by teachers will be the same. The biggest change is that grades are set in a new way, but there are also a lot of minor changes. The large flows for reporting and certifying should work as usual.

Information regarding the change can be found in the Canvas course for Ladok for relevant staff. A special e-mail has been sent to teachers/examiners on 25 August 2021 regarding the change in the interface.

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Sep 08, 2021
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