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Project management - Research project management, RPM

Professional Development for Research Project Managers – Take the Step Towards Bigger and More Successful Projects! The Research Support Office offers a training course tailored for those who lead collaborative research projects and wish to develop the tools and skills required to manage projects at a higher level.

Practical information

Course registration:

Course dates: 10 March - 16 May.

The course starts March 10th in Canvas (self studies) . All the workshops and seminar will be held at Teknikringen 1, KTH campus.

  • Workshops 24 March 10-12, 3 April 10-12, 22 April 13-15:00.

  • Final seminar 16 May 10-15:00

Place: KTH Campus, Teknikringen 1 and self studies in Canvas

Length: 6 weeks (30 h approximately in total, including workshops and e-learning)

Language: In English

Course fee: Funded centrally, no course fee will be charged.

In the ever-increasing administrative burden connected to the execution of collaborative research projects, the role of the Research Project Manager (RPM) is becoming more prominent. Unlike the Coordinator PI, who leads the vision and the scientific, engineering, and development aspects of the project, the RPM ensures that all other aspects of project leadership and management are covered. This role combines insights and practices from Project Management with the specific conditions of research projects.

Research Project Management (RPM) involves proactive planning, implementation, and monitoring of research projects to ensure they are carried out efficiently, on time, within budget, and on target. It includes managing resources, schedules, collaborations, and risks that may arise during the research work, as well as leading a consortium spread across multiple organizations and countries. The role of the RPM is distinct from both the role of the PI and from the line management for each organization involved in the project.

Purpose and learning objectives

The course aims to provide a basic understanding necessary to perform the role of the Research Project Manager in collaborative research projects. It offers participants a foundation in Project Management and how to adapt it to research projects, focusing on key attributes essential for managing research projects effectively.

Target group

  • Faculty members, with or without experience in leading and coordinating collaborative research projects, who are interested in managing all non-scientific aspects of the project.

  • Research project managers (RPMs), whether formally recognized in this role or not, regardless of their employment status at KTH.

Course content

The course provides an introduction and basic understanding of Research Project Management. It covers Project Management theory and practices, leadership of intercultural and virtual teams, and practical adaptations for the day-to-day management of research projects.


Daniel Vare, Research support office about the course content and HR Staff training and development regarding the course registration and other practical matters,

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Last changed: Feb 11, 2025
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