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Saco and Saco-S

Saco, the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations, is a politically independent central non-profit organization encompassing 21 unions. Each union focuses on a specific profession for university graduates. At KTH, the unions with the highest number of members are Sveriges Ingenjörer, SULF, Naturvetarna, Akavia, Akademikerföbundet SSR, DIK, Sveriges Arkitekter.


Join the union!

Strength lies in numbers. Becoming a member gives the union a higher impact when negotiating at both central and local level. Become a member in one of Saco-S eighteen unions! Membership includes income insurance and access to advice and support when you need it.

Contact union

Each local association has a contact union, which is usually the union with the highest number of members at the workplace. For KTH the contact union is Sveriges Ingenjörer (Engineers of Sweden). The contact union provides training, advice, and support for the local union representatives.

Salary and employment conditions are the same for all university graduates employed in the state sector. For that reason, 18 of the saco-unions have united into Saco-S, representing approximately 90 000 academics working in the state sector. Saco-S centrally negotiates collective agreements regarding pensions, general employment conditions, holidays, sick leave, and parental leave, with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers. Valuable information about your employment conditions is included in the overarching agreement Villkorsavtalet T, and the central salaries agreement RALS 2010-T.

More about Saco-S

More about your general employment conditions –Villkorsavtalet T (in Swedish)

More about your salary conditions – RALS 2010-T (in Swedish) 

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