Become an active member!
You can contribute to a better work place for you and your colleagues by becoming an active member.
Member of the local Saco-S board
Would you like to become a member of the board for the Saco-S- association at KTH? Contact the chairperson and/or the election board. The election board makes a formal proposal ahead of the annual meeting in February/March, but if we need your competencies urgently, you could be asked to join already as a temporary representative. You can also contact the election committee if you want to nominate a colleague!
The board and election committee | KTH Intranet
School Collaboration or Faculty Board Representative
The local Saco-S board appoints the School Collaboration and Faculty Board Representatives. Contact the chairperson or the saco-s contact person for your school if you are interested!
School Collaboration Representatives | KTH Intranet
Work environment | KTH Intranet
Safety Representative
Safety representatives are generally appointed by the largest union, but at KTH the three unions that have collective agreements make a mutual decision. Contact our chairperson or the contact person for your school to know more!
Work environment | KTH Intranet
Skyddsombud | KTH Intranät (in Swedish)
National assignments
For national assignments for the trade union the time assignment works differently. In the state sector, a maximum of 10 days are available for assigments at national level. For engaging in questions regarding doctoral students, there are local rules at KTH that give access to more time.