Doctoral students
This page offers a summary of the most important information about the rights of doctoral students at KTH. These apply regardless of whether you have an employment contract, a scholarship or other financing. You can also find links to useful webpages and documents.

Doctoral students with an employment contract
Doctoral students employed at KTH have a monthly salary based on the doctoral student salary agreement. Salaries for doctoral students are negotiated regularly between the union and the university. Advancement to the next salary step should be based on the Individual Study Plan, on the condition that the research is progressing as planned.
Doctoral students with a scholarship
The Saco-S local association actively strives to cease the use of scholarships to finance doctoral studies and promotes employment contracts for all doctoral students at KTH. This is possible, despite KTH occasionally saying otherwise, and has for instance been fully implemented at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg.
Study plan
The Individual Study Plan (ISP) is an important document for doctoral students. It summarizes the obligations of both you and your supervisor and is of paramount importance in case of conflict. Make sure you always keep it updated, that the dates for the salary steps are correctly filled out (and followed), and that changes are included continuously.