Contact Saco-S at KTH
More than 1800 of KTH’s teachers, doctoral students, technical and administrative staff are members of a Saco-union. The Saco-S local association at KTH strives to protect their rights and interests in the workplace.
Saco-S local association at KTH

Saco-S’s local association at KTH can provide support during negotiations and contacts with the employer and offers dedicated support and information for doctoral students.
Together with the local associations from SEKO and ST, the local Saco-s association participates in the School Collaboration Groups, and in the Central Collaboration Group and its preparatory committees. Saco-S is also represented in the University Board, the Faculty Council, the Schools’ Faculty Boards, and the Appointments Board. Saco-S protects the rights and interests of its members through review and negotiation of local agreements, but also through individual support in negotiations and contacts with the employer.