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Work environment

KTH addresses systematic work environment management through annual work environment plans, regular local workplace or team meetings (APT), development dialogues, employee surveys, safety rounds, and through handling incidents, risk observations and occupational injuries.

Annual work environment plans

Work environment management is the responsibility of the respective School Collaboration Groups. A plan for staff and work environment is drawn up annually. The annual plan contains both the planning and follow-up of the physical, organizational and social work environment, as well as any direct effects on the environment. Working groups can be appointed for separate projects. 

The annual work environment plans are compiled by the central HR Department (part of VS) and reported to the President and the Central Collaboration Group (CSG). CSG acts as Work Environment Committee (Skyddskommitté) four times per year, in line with the Work Environment Act 6 ch., 9 §§. 

The president’s guidelines direct the systematic work environment management, and indicate priority areas every budget year. In case of disagreement on work environment issues in the CSG, such issue can be forwarded to the Swedish Work Environment Authority upon request of one of the members. 

Issues regarding the work environment, and equality, diversity, and equal conditions (JML) 

Issues regarding the work environment, and equality, diversity, and equal conditions (JML) should be integrated with main activities at all levels of collaboration. Collaboration concerning the work environment, and equality, diversity and equal conditions (JML-issues) are specifically mentioned in the KTH local collaboration agreement. Union representatives participate in the Central Collaboration Group (CSG), and the School Collaboration Groups. A student safety representative should be present when work environment conditions for students are discussed. 

Gender equality, diversity and equal conditions at KTH | KTH 

Local workplace meetings (APT) and development dialogues 

You can influence your unit or department by actively participating in the local workplace meetings and in the development dialogue with the head of your team. Risks in the work environment should be reported in the IA-system. If no one takes action to remedy the problem, you can contact the local safety representative, or the local Saco-S association.

More about staff collaboration at KTH 

Safety representatives

Safety representatives play an important role in systematic work environment management. They are appointed jointly by the trade unions.

More about KTH safety representatives (in Swedish)