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Administrative support during the winter holidays

The University administration's opening hours

The university administration remains open during the holiday's but with longer response times and limited support.
Published Dec 04, 2023

During the winter holidays, the University administration has limited service. Here you will find Service Center's opening hours and information on reaching other units; finance, HR, communication and student affairs.

Service center/Infrastructure and service

Service center  is the entry to support at EECS. Turn to us with your questions about, for example, mail, couriers, catering, access, guests or premises. We will also steer you in the right direction if you don't know where to turn.


  • Limited opening hours in the Service center.
  • No recruitment advertisements will be published or extended between 27 December and 7 January. 
  • The pEECS newsletter will take a break between 21 December and 11 January.
  • Teacher support and doctoral support are open but with lower staffing and slightly longer response times.
  • Purchasing cases are handled as usual with slightly longer response times.
  • Regarding agreements are no new cases distributed to the lawyers during the holiday.

Service center's opening hours week 51 ( 18–22 December)

  • Borggården and Electrum: 18–22 December, 09:00–15:00.
  • Q: 18-21 December, 09:00-15.00. 22 December: closed.

Reach us via  and on telephone number 08-790 4000.

Service center's opening hours week 52 ( 27–30 December)

Borggården, Q and Electrum: closed.

Fruit and milk deliveries are canceled this week.

Reach us via  and on telephone number 08-790 4000.

Staff are on site at the main campus and in Electrum with limited service and slightly longer processing times. Fruit and milk deliveries are paused until 8 January.

Service center's opening hours week 1 ( 2–5 January)

  • Borggården and Electrum: 3 and 4 January, 10.00-12.00.
  • Fruit and milk deliveries are canceled this week.
  • Q: closed.

Reach us via  and on telephone number 08-790 4000.

Staff are on site at the main campus and in Electrum with limited service and slightly longer processing times. Fruit and milk deliveries are paused until 8 January.

Service center's opening hours week 2 ( 8–12 January)

Open as usual.

Service center opening hours and contact details

The other units

You can reach the other units via its e-mail address  (funktionsadress), but with longer response times than usual. 


EECS' invoice handling is open 18–22 December 09.00-15.00, and 27–29 December 09.00-15.00. You can reach them via

Remember to add a replacement if you can't handle your invoices yourself over the holiday's. Contact  if you do not have a replacement. 


HR is staffed, but with longer response times:

Recruitment ads are closed from 27 December until 7 January and are open as usual from 8 January 2023.

No adverts will be published or extended during these days. We therefore ask those of you who have advertisements that expire during this period to look now and request an extension as soon as possible, and the same applies to new advertisements - the deadline for publication requests is Wednesday 20 December.


The newsletter pEECS takes a break between 21 December and 11 January.

Communication is open throughout the Christmas holiday, but with lower staffing and longer response times:

Communication support

The school's office of student affairs (UK)

The following support functions remain open, but with lower staffing and longer response times:  (first and second-cycle enquiries)  (third-cycle enquiries).

Signature from the Head of School

We recommend getting the necessary signatures in place before the holidays. If you need a signature during the holidays, please send an email to  and we will arrange a signature as soon as possible.

Locked front doors

To increase security and reduce the risk of unauthorised persons in KTH's premises, KTH will lock all front doors on campus between 23 December and 1 January. Anyone who has an access card with valid authorisation will be able to enter as usual.

Study spaces during winter break

Buildings where study spaces are available to students during the winter semester break:

  • 43:03, Osquars Backe 2/Lindstedtsvägen 3, only floor 4 in the E section.
  • 43:22, Teknikringen 14, computer rooms County
  • KTH Library
  • Section rooms
  • Nymble.


Common purchase matters are handled as usual but may have slightly longer response times. Between 18 December and 8 January, no direct tenders or tenders with renewed competitive tendering will be started.

Purchases, procurement and expenses

Contracts and agreements

No new cases are allocated to lawyers. The holidays affect the function (from administration to decision-makers), and response times may be slightly longer than usual.

Contracts and agreements