The finance unit is understaffed
– How you can help

EECS' finance unit is currently understaffed, which will affect the unit's deliveries for a period. For example, errands and response times may take longer. We have talked about the situation with Anette Arling, acting finance manager.
Hi Annette! Tell us what is happening in the finance unit right now.
"Several of our staff have during a period chosen to take on new challenges and have already quit or will quit shortly. This creates several challenges and means that during the autumn we will be unable to provide the service that the school is used to.
We have secured the essential functions required to handle payments, such as invoices and travel bills, as well as financial statements and the budget for 2023. In addition, we handle ongoing external projects and agreements where KTH commits an external party."
The finance unit must focus on specific tasks and a lower priority on others - tell us what the rest of us can do to help.
"While we work to return to normal, I ask above all for your understanding. Everyone in the finance unit is doing their best and does a fantastic job. Your understanding enables us to handle the coming months.
We would be grateful if you contact us in good time and, if possible, extend your deadlines. You may also consider how important it is to get answers to your questions right now or if they can wait."
She also points out that there is a lot of support in the form of information on the intranet.
"There is a lot of information and support on the intranet. Soon, there will be information on how you, as a researcher, can apply for projects yourself. This usually is an excellent opportunity to lay a good foundation for future projects, but unfortunately, we will not be able to prioritise this during the autumn."
What are you doing to solve this, and what is the timeline?
"In the short term, we are bringing in consultants and of course, we are also recruiting. We have just finished a recruitment round where we found two good people, and now we have a new round of ads. Any tips on candidates are welcome."