Summary of the All employee meeting (AEM)
10 March

Did you miss AEM on 10 March? Don't worry, here comes the summary and the presentation. Among other things, Sonja Berlijn talked about the situation in Ukraine and the Kista project.

The spring semester's second All employee meeting was broadcast from the small kitchen in Electrum, with co-workers both on-site in the kitchen and via Zoom. Those who felt like it came in before the meeting for coffee and cinnamon buns.
EECS' crisis organisation
Sonja began the meeting with information about the school's crisis and emergency preparedness organisation and who is included there, and our crisis plan. She urged you to read the crisis plan to know what to do in case of crisis.
She also talked about the report "Systematic crisis work at KTH" and its results. You can read more in the presentation.
Allocation of responsibilities
Sonja also went through new Intranet page which describes the expectations and responsibilities for you as an employee in the event of a crisis.
Safety representatives
Sonja also recalled that EECS has safety representatives at all of the school's addresses.
Fire training 25 April
Sonja informed that during the semester, you'll have the chance to take a course in fire protection.
The first opportunity is given in English in Kista on 25 April and later in the spring, there will be a number of opportunities on Campus Valhallavägen.
The situation in Ukraine
Sonja also commented on the war in Ukraine and suggested keeping up to date via the new page on KTH's intranet which includes information on how to stay updated on how the situation affects KTH. And remember, if you feel worried, you can always contact the Occupational health care.
President's visit
Sonja told us about the planned visit by KTH's President Sigbritt Karlsson, which took place on the same day as AEM. Among other things, the President's group was given a tour of the school's campus in Kista and information about the project in Kista.
The project in Kista
Sonja gave an overview on the project "Kista - the next step", part of the EECS Operational plan 2022.
She also revealed that Mentorspace has just been granted SEK 1,100,000 for the first year and 850 000 for year two.
Read more about this in the presentation.
Information that has come after the meeting is that Electrumlabbet and The Sustainable Power Laboratory (SPL) also received SEK 8,000,000 each.
The migration to OneDrive
Sonja summed up the migration from KTH Box to OneDrive in figures, including how many users and files have been migrated so far. See more in the presentation.
Conference help
Sonja reminded you to contact the Service Center well in advance if you need help with a conference.
Teacher's conference
25 April, 8:30–13:00, it's time for a teacher's meeting in Kista. More information is available in the social group (open for group members only).
What language is spoken at AEM?
AEM is held in Swedish with a PowerPoint presentation in English. The meeting is always summed up in both Swedish and English here on the intranet together with the meeting's presentation.
Next AEM
The next AEM is on 21 April. The school calendar is updated with all the spring term AEM. The dates are:
Have coffee with Sonja
Sonja will continue to broadcast AEM from the school's premises with the opportunity to have coffee together between 8:00–8:45. You can choose between participating on-site or digitally. Information about the place will be posted in the school's calendar and communicated in the newsletter pEECS and Slack.
Contribute to the agenda
Contact if you have suggestions for content for future AEM's. If you want to submit anonymous questions, use this form