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Summary of the All employee meeting (AEM)

27 October

Published Oct 27, 2022

Did you miss AEM on 27 October? No problems, here comes the summary and presentation.

The All employee meeting was broadcast from the VIC Studio on KTH Campus, with colleagues on-site and via Zoom. From 8:00, there was coffee and breakfast for those who were hungry.

Here you can read a summary of the meeting points. For more in-depth information, you can download the presentation.

Sick leave

Sonja began by reviewing the third quarter's figures for sickness absence. Here, EECS is generally on the national average for government employees, and the reason for this must be analysed. Technical and administrative employees belong to the group with the highest sickness absence. This group is above the national average. The reason for this is being analysed.


During Q3, the following has been reported: 6 risks, one incident and five work-related injuries. Sonja urges us to continue reporting incidents to be able to prevent the risks. The school analyses reported incidents; this is how the challenges surrounding chemicals have been identified and are now being addressed.

The next step is to produce a plan for HSE (Health, Safety and Environment), which will be included in the Business Plan 2023.

Health, Safety and Environment på EECS


We must improve our fire safety and preparedness in labs and general areas. We must comply with current standards for flammable and explosive materials.


New routines around the purchase, storage and documentation of chemicals are being implemented by KTH centrally. This affects both labs and other premises. Two employees from each department are encouraged to participate in the fire practice.

Safety procedures

So far, there has been no centralised coordination regarding lab safety issues, so that an effort will be made.

Action plan for 2023

During the following year, a strategy and action plan will be worked out for security issues. The goal is to develop a safety culture throughout the EECS.

Crisis exercise 

The school management had a crisis exercise on October 13. With the help of practical training, they tested the school's crisis protocol. The activity showed that the protocol needs to be improved. A working group has been appointed to develop proposals for improvement.

Phishing attempt

Recently there was a phishing attempt at our school where people were asked to contact the headmaster. Many reported in, but some also fell for the trap. Continue to pay attention. Report suspicions to IT support with the suspicious email conversation as an attachment.

New managers

More hybrid rooms

Ten more hybrid rooms will be added to our two campuses. Estimated installation before Christmas:

  • Greta Woxén​

  • Laila Ohlgren​

  • Annica Tiger​

  • Björn Ericsen​

  • Kerstin Severinson Eklundh​

  • Germund Dahlqvist​

  • Kalle Siklosi​

  • Motala​

  • Grimeton​

  • Ada

Orientation decision for teachers in first and second-cycle education

The employee survey in 2021 showed high-stress levels among teachers. An investigation revealed an unbalanced teaching load distribution. Several actions have been taken to improve the situation. Besides the actions taken, the school management found it necessary to emphasise that all are expected to be involved in teaching.

The orientation decision clarifies to what extent teachers are expected to be involved in teaching. ​

  • Professor at least 20 % ​

  • Associate professor at least 50 %​

  • Assistant professor max 30 %​

  • Lecturer 100 %​

  • Researchers max 20 %​

  • Postdoc max 20 %​

  • Doctoral student max 20 %​

Agency capital investments ​

On October 20, the school's department and department heads met with the school management. The goal was to get input into a 3-5 year plan for our authority capital. We decided on some actions that will be included in our business plan. The school management will summarise and establish a plan for our authority investments.

Current challenges

  • Increased rental costs by 6%.
  • Low staffing at the finance unit.
  • Lack of cleaning at KTH Kista.
  • Institutional teams must be implemented.
  • Many changes at KTH central level lead to a high workload for the school management.

Stay tuned on Slack eecs-info-from-head-of-school .

Next AEM 24 November

The next staff meeting is on 24 November. After a vote via Zoom, it was decided that we would be in the hybrid meeting room Gustaf Dahlander   in the main building on the KTH campus. From there, Sonja will broadcast live, and from 8:00 a.m., a breakfast sandwich will be served. You choose between participating on-site or digitally.

Contribute to the agenda!

Contact  if you have suggestions for content for upcoming staff meetings. If you want to submit anonymous questions, use this form .