Summary of the All employee meeting
12 November

Here is a summary of the All employee meeting (AEM) with Sonja Berlijn where she talked about the premises project and the clean-up of e-mail aliases. Mikael Visén from HR visited to talk about the new, digital system for reporting incidents.
Sonja began by going through her standing point Health, Environment and Safety (HSE). She told us about the Swedish Work Environment Authority visit, which gave us a good grade. On 15 November, there is a workshop on how we can improve our work environment.
Sonja also announced that the school is immediately looking for new safety representatives. More information about that recruitment will be available on the intranet.
New Head of administration
On 1 December, the school's new Head of Administration head, Joakim Palestro, begins - a warm welcome!
Joakim has a background in the industry, academia and the National Agency for Higher Education.
Streamlining our premises
Sonja also told more about the local project that is currently underway. It consists of several initiatives. For example, how to get the most out of our premises and become a digital and attractive workplace.
At EECS, the project about opportunities to work remotely and the placement of the professional support will start soon.
Lars Nordström will lead the Campus Kista project, which deals with many complex issues concerning premises, the Electrum laboratory, education and our collaboration in Kista.
See the meeting presentation for more information about the premises project.
Easier to report incidents, risks and occupational injuries digitally
Mikael Visén , an HR officer at the university administration (GVS), visited to inform about the new IA system for digitally reporting incidents, risks, and occupational injuries. He pointed out that it is important that we report, that is the only way we can prevent and learn.
Find more information from Mikael in the meeting's presentation.
Clean-up of e-mail domains and aliases
Sonja informed about the president's decision to remove all e-mail addresses that do not belong to the domain
Those affected by the decision will be contacted starting week 45.
Questions and comments
If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact your immediate supervisor.
Temporary reactivation
For a temporary reactivation of your alias, contact Service Center.
EECS' Winter conference
Sonja concluded by recalling the winter conference on 9 December.
The number of participants for dinner has reached its maximum limit, but those who want to register for the conference part only can still do so.
Sonja also invites the school's heads of division to nominate two doctoral students for the conference poster exhibition, where the winner will receive SEK 15,000 in a travel scholarship.
Last AEM of the year
The last meeting of the year is on 16 December.
Do you have any suggestions on what we should address at the next AEM? Feel free to send your proposal to communication-support@eecs.kth