Bulletins from IT-Support
Updating the software (firmware) in docking stations for notebook computers
Published Jul 31, 2024During the summer, KTH IT-Support will go around the KTH Campus and update the software (firmware) in docking stations for laptop computers.
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Change of access to W3D3 from July 1st
Published Jun 17, 2024To log in to the registration system you have to be connected via VPN, when not connected to KTH's network or KTH's wireless network.
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WebAgresso (agresso.ug.kth.se) is changing its login method on June 25th
Published Jun 14, 2024WebAgresso (agresso.ug.kth.se) is changing its login method and will switch to KTH’s central login service.
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Users need to change their KTH passwords by June 3rd at the latest
Published May 27, 2024Due to an increasing number of hacking attempts against Swedish universities and authorities, all users must change the password both for their KTH account and WiFi Network Secret (eduroam and VPN) by...
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Forced update of Slack applications and web browsers
New antispam and antivirus filter for email
Canvas, a new tool in KTH-Slack
New solution for activating and changing passwords for KTH accounts
Published Apr 18, 2023The options for changing the password on your KTH account expands.
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Portal for IT-matters - a new support channel
Sustainable use of IT equipment