Ordering IT-Products
On this page you find information on how to order IT products. KTH IT has developed a number of standard products that are well suited for KTH's organization, with the goal of achieving good performance at favorable prices.
Ordering of IT products and services
Orders for computers, accessories, licenses, mobile devices and telephone subscriptions are made via the following links:
Order IT products (computers, IT accessories, software and more)
Order IT Workplace and license subscriptions
Order recycling or transfer of equipment
Order KTH-Print and other printers
Quick reference guides for ordering IT products
Order with Wisum shopping cart
This happens after you place your order:
- The order goes to the financially responsible person for approval
- The order is then received by the IT purchaser (if it was approved in the step before)
- The IT purchaser checks the products, contacts the customer in case of adjustments and then places the order
- Delivery to IT Support, where the delivery is checked regarding the number of parcels and possible injuries
- The hardware (computers & mobiles) is registered in IT's inventory register
- Depending on the product, separate deliveries will be made
- Platform computer is handed over for installation
- Delivery or collection in KTH Entré is planned
- An introduction is given if that is desired