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Lunch n’ learn – seminars for the digital teacher

Visual interpretation: Audience and presentation. Also sandwiches on a table.
Published May 02, 2019

Teachers of today are expected to use digital methods when teaching. There are plenty of effective tools and many teachers are eager to develop their digital knowledge. With the concept Lunch n' learn, E-learning shares inspiration and increased knowledge about digital learning.

– The good thing about Lunch n' learn is that everyone while having their lunch sandwich can pick up something new, says Catarina Asplund, who’s administrating the seminar series. We cover a wide range of topics that many KTH teachers can benefit from.

The idea behind the series is to offer teachers with a hectic schedule - and other employees at KTH - something new about digital learning with quite little time spent. During lunch they can get inspiration and listen to good examples from other, and hopefully the thought of using digital tool feels more comfortable.

– As a teacher you need to work digitally in one way or another, Alex Alexandersson, responsible for the marketing of the seminars, says. You probably stumble over many different systems that you need to be familiar with, or you want to get to know better.

– With Lunch n 'learn, we want to provide a glimpse of the support that the staff at E-learning can give our teachers when it comes to using digital tools.

Alex Alexandersson, Tove Kjellberg and Catarina Asplund, E-learning.

The task of E-learning is to investigate and evaluate digital learning environments and educate and supervise KTH's teachers. Stefan Stenbom, object owner for E-learning started working on the Lunch n’ learn concept in 2017. Since then, the seminar series has offered presentations on around ten different themes. Today, a team including Alex Alexandersson, Tove Kjellberg and Catarina Asplund, among others, work with the arrangements, all contributing with their special skills.

– We are constantly developing topics and presentations in dialogue with lecturers and based on feedback from the audience, says Tove Kjellbergh, who fills the series with interesting content. Simple examples, tips and ideas from other teachers are often the most appreciated. And the gatherings are usually filled with questions and discussions that are both educational and technical.

A few seminars are more skilled, so that even the regulars who are proficient in the digital world get an opportunity to deepen their knowledge. For others, it may be a first step, an inspiring moment that lowers the effort to actually try something new, the organizers believe.

By continuously evaluating the work, the presentations stay relevant to many, regardless of prior knowledge. The audience is mainly teachers and administrators at KTH, but some doctoral students and students have attended too. Now the reputation about Lunch n’ learn has spread and other universities have joined, thanks to the seminars being streamed.

– Of course, it requires time and resources, but we want to be as open as possible and since we work with e-learning it is important for us to live as we learn, says Alex Alexandersson.

Text: Ulrika Georgsson


Target group: Mainly teachers but also other employees at KTH
Started: In May 2018
Number of seminars completed: 8
Number of audience: 40-60 / per occasion
Arranged by: Lunch n' learn is part of the "E-learning management object at KTH", a joint activity between the unit for Digital Learning and KTH's IT department. The task of the management object is to manage and further develop the digital learning environment for KTH. E-learning also offers tutorials one-to-one that teachers can book.

Read more about E-learning here

Belongs to: Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)
Last changed: May 02, 2019