Martin meets JML enthusiasts

Martin Edin Grimheden, JMLA* at the School of Industrial Engineering and Management, is eager to learn about the engagement at all levels. In the series "Martin meets JML** enthusiasts" he interviews some of them. Why?
"During my first few months as JMLA, responsible for gender equality, diversity and equal conditions at our school, I have come to see and appreciate how much activities, initiatives, engagement and commitment there are for these issues in our organization. The ITM School is a big place, we have many colleagues and we are engaged in many different things. JML relates to all and everyone, regardless of position. While some people make decisions relating to recruitment and strategic development, with a JML focus, other people contribute to the actual environment here and now by their actions, by treating people equally".
"While we eat lunch in our department fika-areas, “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. With full respect for our management and our strategic discussions and decisions, I wanted to find a way of presenting, communicating and understanding the people I meet that I believe are our current carriers and builders of our culture, people that I relate to, people that I have learnt from. Persons that I look up to. So, with that starting point, I asked to interview colleagues about their stories, what they do in their daily work-life to implement our JML strategies."
Read the first interview with Raquel Lizarraga Jurado
* JMLA = Gender equality, diversity and equal treatment manager
** JML = a KTH concept that stands for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal opportunities