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"We have come a long way, but the work never ends"

How is the JML work going, Annika?

Annika B portrait
Annika Borgenstam points out that more people than managers need to work with the issues. Photo: Anneli Nygårds
Published Mar 22, 2022

As a doctoral student, Annika Borgenstam was already involved in gender equality issues and diversity. Today, she is head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and reflects on a journey that never seems to have an end.

"We have been working on these issues for so long that I don't know where to start. At MSE, I initiated a JML group before we got the assignment from the organization. It's the people in that group who have driven the development".

It is a sunny day in January, and Annika Borgenstam  has accessed Zoom to tell about the JML work at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). As expected, she is deeply engaged in the subject – she has been involved in many gender equality projects over the years.

"Harriet," "Eivor & Maj" are the names of some of the projects in which the department and its centre, Hero-M, participated. The purpose has been to promote equal treatment and raise awareness of unconscious bias, among other things. Thus, many who work here today know the issues and when someone does something dodgy. "Wonder what Harriet would have thought of this," people may suddenly exclaim if someone falls into old habits and acts excluding or prejudiced.

In addition to the specific gender equality projects that involved the whole organization, all managers took a JML course two years ago, an investment made at the entire ITM School. They came back with new insights, to which the management team has since returned.

One focus area has been recruiting to increase the gender balance – one of their biggest challenges, according to Annika. She believes it takes a long chain of events to reach an equal number of professors of each gender.

"It is generally difficult to find the right talents. Attracting more people in minority groups is even more difficult. It requires that you keep track of your unconscious bias, offer an attractive work environment, and persistently continue to work on these issues."

But there are other perspectives on gender equality, diversity and equal conditions. Annika points out that more people than managers need to work with the issues. Over the years, the local JML group has come up with many initiatives where the management group has not been involved.

"The JML group pointed out what it's like to be new in Sweden and what exclusion it can lead to. We sometimes take it for granted that people know what rights and obligations exist in Sweden, but not everyone does."

The JML group at the department has, among other things, produced a survey to check the gaps in the introduction for new employees, developed the information and arranged Swedish fika to integrate people from different countries.

"It was an eye-opener for me – this other perspective to feel left out. I would not have discovered that if I had only discussed it at the management level", says Annika.

The management team ensures that JML issues are addressed everywhere without compromising the department's basic strategy. It is a long-term effort that constantly requires their attention. As employees get new positions, new training and workshops are always needed. Teachers and leaders must also be good role models and integrate JML in their conveyance. Annika finds this extra challenging. Raising awareness is one thing, but demanding a certain behaviour is different.

"I thought we would have reached further 2022, but it is a work in progress. And that's what counts!"

Text: Ulrika Georgsson

Facts about the JML work at the ITM school

JML is a KTH concept that stands for Gender equality, Diversity and Equal opportunities.

At the ITM School, the management team participates in the JML work so it can be integrated into many different parts. Some leaders have specific areas of responsibility and are part of the "Small JML group" led by JMLA.

In addition, there are local JML groups at each department and in the professional support that capture employees' ideas and transform them into different activities. They are part of the "Large JML group".