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KTH Environmental management system

KTH is certified according to the international environmental management standard ISO 14001.

KTH has an environmental management system according to the regulation on environmental management (2009:907) in government agencies.

The Environmental Management System can be found on the KTH Intranet, where you can find all necessary information, documents and procedures to ensure the achievement of our environmental goals. The management system applies to all of KTH operations.

KTH is certified according to the international environmental management standard ISO 14001

Policy for sustainable development

The policy for sustainable development for KTH  is our regulatory document and guides how we work with the environment and sustainability at KTH.

Environmental review

The design and scope of the environmental management system is based upon an environmental review, the identification of environmental aspects and the identification of interested parties and compliance obligations. Eleven significant environmental aspects  have been identified where KTH has the greatest impact on the environment, both positive and negative.

Sustainability objectives and action plan

To increase our contribution to sustainable development, and reduce environmental impacts,  and corresponding action plans have been established. KTH's Sustainable Development Objectives apply to all KTH operations and all schools and the university administration have established local objectives.

Governing documents

Documented procedures  control how we work and ensure we meet all applicable legal and compliance requirements . Procedures have been established on both central and local levels of university operations. Procedures manage the way we work with the management system as well as how we work within specific areas such as chemical management.

Communication and education

Communication and education are important aspects of our environmental management. A general training for employees  linked to environmental activities are available on the intranet as is all documentation pertaining to the environmental management system. An internal and an external newsletter  are also distributed.

Internal and external audits

Audits are conducted regularly to ensure we are working effectively with our environmental managements system. Internal and external audits are performed annually and for certification purposes, external audits are conducted by accredited auditors to confirm that we have met ISO 14001 standard requirements.

Management reviews of the sustainability work

Management reviews are conducted both centrally and locally each year as a means to ensure continual improvement.  evaluate revisions to the environmental management and/or actions for improvements are decided.

Internal and external reporting

The sustainability work is reported both internally and externally through management group meetings, reports and accounts. Reporting to the university board, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Transport Agency and the Ministry of Education happens annually. KTH also participates in the international ranking of universities according to THE impact ranking.

Operation of the sustainbility work

KTH’s environmental efforts are centrally organized by KTH Sustainability Office  under the University Administration (UA). KTH Sustainability Office is responsible for overall environmental issues at KTH. The local environmental work conducted by KTH schools and UA is managed by  together with their local management. Schools’ and the UA’s local environmental objectives, procedures and organization are available on their local environment webpages .

Scope of the environmental management system

KTH's environmental management system covers the whole of KTH’s operations including education, research and collaboration within all five schools and University Administration and all campuses: KTH Campus, KTH Flemingsberg, KTH Kista and KTH Södertälje. KTH's operations is divided into five schools and University Adminitration:

  • School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
  • School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH)
  • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
  • School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)
  • School of Engineering Sciences (SCI)
  • University Administration (UA)

What does ISO14001 say?

Environmental Management system
An environmental management system built according to ISO 14001 follows a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. The driving force of the environmental management system is the continuous improvement of environmental performance. The benefits of environmental management is that systematic environmental work leads to reduced environmental impacts, it also clearly outlines responsibilities and gives structure to environmental.