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Newsmail #81, 2024-02-02

Dear all,

During the last two weeks we have seen a lot of teaching activities; the courses are running full speed and all teaching staff are as busy as always. We see an increase in the number of students in the courses, for example in the BSc thesis courses this semester. We have also now received statistics for the MSc program applications. The number of applications to MMK MSc-programs have increased from around 800 to over 1200 this year. The increase is mainly with the new Mechatronics MSc program that will be launched this fall.

MMK building-wise – I mentioned before the holidays that we tried to release the part of the MMK building with the HK-rooms back to KTH, and move the HK-rooms to the former IPD corridor, now that we move the IPD offices to the fourth floor. This proposal was denied, so we are now trying out another solution, which means that we release the entire HK-corridor, including the Master lounge and the Mechatronics lab, and instead move the Mechatronics lab to the ground floor. This suggestion will be discussed during the coming weeks among the HK course directors and the unit managers to see if it’s feasible or not. If we do proceed with these changes, I really hope that this is the last step of our moving circus.

This week we celebrated Mikael Hellgren, who retires from KTH after 39 years of employment. Micke has been an exceptionally skilled teacher – and researcher – who has been popular among both students and colleagues. With a combination of practical skills, theoretical competence, eager to debate both societal happenings and gender equality issues, Micke will be hugely missed and impossible to replace.

Today was the first day since November that I did not need my bicycle lights in the morning. Perhaps I was later than usual, perhaps there are lighter times ahead.

Now I wish all a nice weekend,
