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Newsmail #87, 2024-03-22

Dear all,

On Monday this week I was invited to a meeting with all managers within the KTH support organization. I was invited by Kerstin, our University Director, to talk about the admin support that we get, and need to get in the future. More than 60 of the managers joined the meeting, and, most of the discussions circled around how to create a better understanding for our needs. I was quite happy to see such a big interest from the admin managers to understand more about our activities, so that the support can be efficient and adequate. We discuss quite a lot around the huge range of support needed, from expertise in writing complex legal agreements to providing employment contracts to refilling the coffee machines. Perhaps we’ll invite the entire group to MMK this spring, perhaps we can repeat our successful rooftop BBQ with an open house-activity in June or so.

On Wednesday I joined a workshop on recruitment of future faculty in the perspective of educational needs, recruitment of teaching staff. When we compare the five schools, it’s apparent to see that there is a lot of contradictory traditions and assumptions; schools believe that they can only do this or that, that certain positions can only be used for certain needs etc, and when comparing we realize that the limitations are not real limitations. Some of these issues became more apparent this week when the new local collective agreements were presented, for example in the ITM Newsletter yesterday. These agreements clarify working hours, specific rules for specific positions, and I encourage all to read them to be familiar with the agreements that are in place. New agreements clarify working time concepts | KTH.

This week our three assistant professorships in complex systems have been announced. I’m really thankful to our social media experts who immediately have spread these in their networks. Please continue to do so, please spread the announcements in your own networks. I’ll paste the links below if you need.

Next week I look forward to celebrate both the Holi 2024 and the Nowruz. While Holi this year is on March 25, Nowruz was yesterday, but will be celebrated on Monday as well at ITRL, followed by Holi. The Swedish “Vårdagjämning” was day before yesterday, not as spectacular as the Holi, but still a nice sign of the approaching spring.



The three announcements

KTH | Assistant Professor in Machine Design w specialization in Complex Systems

KTH | Assistant Professor in Mechatronics with specialization in Complex Systems

KTH | Assistant Professor in Product-Service Systems w special in Complex Systems