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Newsmail #89, 2024-04-05

Dear all,

This week has been a bit quiet, with students focusing on re-exams and many staff members taking the opportunity to focus on other things. A few things though: I want to take the opportunity to introduce a new faculty member, Martin Karlsson, started on April 1st as a new adjunct professor at MMK. Martin is currently with Northvolt and joins MMK to support our establishment of the area of complex systems. Martin will, therefore, not be tied to a specific unit but rather to all of MMK – to support us all. I’ll come back with info on more formal introductions and engagements.

Yesterday I joined a TECoSA-workshop on AI. It was very rewarding, academics and industry people (and other backgrounds) presented and debated thoughts on how our future society will be affected by AI. For me, it raised a lot of ideas and questions. Thw workshop was chaired by our own Rafia Inam and Martin Törngren, and I will ask them both to give us all a recap at some point.

On April 1st, the new admin support organization was put in place, which means that the HR group, the financial reporting group and the communication group moved from school level to KTH level. The idea is that the change won’t affect us at the department at all, I’ll keep you posted if we see changes.

Now I wish everyone a nice upcoming weekend – with “April-weather”.

