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Biomedical Engineering & Science - SJTU-KTH 2021 Joint International Summer School

Tid: Må 2021-08-23 - Fr 2021-08-27

Plats: Digital participation via Zoom


Ronald T. Nordqvist ron@kth.se

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Please note, this event is for KTH and SJTU staff only.

SJTU-KTH Joint International Summer School is committed to maintaining an
energetic and interdisciplinary educational and lab work environment, on the basis of biomedical engineering topics, including biomedical instrumentation nano, molecular and regenerative medicine Imaging, computational and systems biomedicine. Most of the activities are designed to provide an adequate academic connection with well known scholars and professors in KTH and SJTU.

How to Apply
Please send your CV and a letter of motivation (no more than 500 words in total) to shangli@sjtu.edu.cn  SJTU Applicants or ron@kth.se  KTH Applicants by August 1, 2021.

Time and Location
August, 23 rd to 27 th, 2021 online.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)


Tillhör: KTH Intranät
Senast ändrad: 2021-07-26